Communicating benefit information is critical. As many employers acknowledge, employees often have limited knowledge of the extent of their benefits.

In the case of work life benefits and employee assistance programs, the benefit of these programs to both the employer and employee, is only realized if they are utilized.

CECI's in-house graphic design department became a division of the company in 2002. The decision to make it a division was based on its substantial growth and revenues in the last few years.

It was named eaposters - the "ea" to address it's focus on "employee assistance" and posters, because they are by far, the single most successful tool for capturing employees fleeting attentions. eaposters design staff excel in colorful, creative and effective communication campaigns that also include tent cards, buck slips and other common corporate communication materials.

eaposters continues to serve CECI's work life and EAP clients, as well as, its own diverse group of clients including state governments, community services, area agencies on aging, information & referral companies, 411 organizations, colleges, prevention programs, high schools, multi-national companies and internal EAPs.

Visit eaposters homepage or go straight to the EAP Posters catalog!



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 All rights reserved.