A Custom
Published Referral Report

Employees and consumers contact us requesting assistance with
their child care, elder care, legal, financial or other
work/life issues. After speaking with one of our consultants
regarding their particular concern, a consultant begins to
research answers to their question. The research includes
referrals to providers and services meeting their exact needs.
The results of the consultant's research is printed out in an
organized and easy to read custom published report or CareReport®.
- The CareReport®
addresses the exact care
needs, regulations and laws and subject matter requested. The
report is personalized and includes a table of contents,
individual chapters that address each type of care requested,
readings and checklists that permit one to more easily select
the most appropriate quality care provider or service and a
glossary of terminology.
No two CareReports® are the same -- just as no two
family’s needs and preferences for their children, spouses
or elderly dependents are identical.
Personalized consultations permit us to publish a CareReport®
that will assist in the search for dependent care or work life
options and help employees, consumers and their families locate the best solution available -
anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada or on an
International basis.