Elder Care Provider Database |
- Database Overview
of hundreds of tables and over 3.5 million records,
ELDERBASE®, CECI's elder care information
database, enables our consultants to access information on
elder care providers, services, health and wellness issues
and clearinghouse information. The latter includes nursing
homes, home health agencies, nutrition services, hospices,
adult day care centers, legal services, transportation
services, self-help organizations and groups, continuing
care/retirement communities, senior centers and many other
senior services. ELDERBASE® also allows a
consultant access to information on elder health topics -
such as diabetes or Alzheimer's - and a myriad of other
elder issues, such as legal services and health insurance.
(like CHILDBASE®),
is unique in its scope enabling our consultants to locate
care options in any radius from an employees home or the
home of their elder dependent anywhere in the U.S. Thus,
employees who live far away from their parents are afforded
the ability to locate resources with as much ease as those
living nearby.