What You Can Expect From Our Services
In every work force, more than 30% of employees are struggling to balance personal, family and workplace responsibilities. These concerns not only cause personal distress but can also adversely affect the employee's job performance.

The mission of Child and Elder Care Insights, Inc. (CECI) is to help employees and consumers address, identify and resolve their personal problems through a comprehensive and high quality dependent care resource and referral program that is professional, accessible, voluntary and confidential. CECI's fundamental commitment is to maximize the emotional well-being and related job performance and productivity of employees.

CECI delivers programs that meet a company's goals, exacting standards and:

Offers national accessibility through CHILDBASE® and ELDERBASE®
Provides the highest quality and most comprehensive consultation, referral, education and care-selection materials in the US
Promotes program use by informing employees with publications and customized workplace communications.

CECI services are delivered by professional consultants specializing in the identification and location of dependent care resources nationwide. We adhere to internally developed and strictly monitored policies and procedures in the assessment, counseling, and referral of each client. Through this process, CECI will continually monitor and balance all levels of service and continually refine our responsibility as your dependent care resource and referral provider, surpassing expected program outcome and stated goals.

Our standard product offering includes the following:

An exclusive private-labeled 800 access number
Access alternatives via exclusive Internet, e-mail and fax.
Unlimited phone consultation(s) with consultants
A custom-published CareReport® with a personalized cover letter
Unlimited referral requests and no lower limits on number of referrals provided (i.e., no internal 3 referrals limit)
Educational and care-selection materials addressing the referrals requested
A four-color multiple page "Work/Life" newsletter
Guaranteed 48 hours turnaround time on traditional cases; average turnaround less than 48 hours.
Negotiated discounted provider rates for our clients (for many top 20 chain child care center chains and national home health agencies) For example, visit our news center to read the press release regarding our affiliation with Kelly Assisted Living.
Postage paid evaluation response cards enclosed with CareReport®.
Phone-initiated evaluation surveys, follow-up and closure or reinitiation of referral process
Utilization and satisfaction reports on a monthly, quarterly, annual and ad-hoc basis
Custom, state-of-the-art databases reflecting the employer's desired tracking variables
Preferred rate access to other services and databases 


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All rights reserved.